So if the winner of this contest is going to be a weapon, what kind of weapon will it be?
giant won. he's getting zen to make a shotgun that shoots deodorant, soap, and shampoo at all the dirty hippies that play.
*laughs* That has to be worth 20 mil at least!

(2011.Jan.18 09:04 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]giant won. he's getting zen to make a shotgun that shoots deodorant, soap, and shampoo at all the dirty hippies that play.
I honestly don't think I came close to winning but in the event I did or do at some point I'm definitely going to ask for this to be my item
It could be a "Giant cleaning machine"
Im disappointed that this didnt link to
If I were win this contest I would get a shotty and auction it for 20 mill starting.
Bump for results hopefully
(2011.Jan.24 10:15 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for results hopefully
A proper hippie wouldn't care about the results