Too late.

When you need one...hit me up
215% on 301 for 2500
yea you can buy from him for an extra 10% and extra 1500 dollars, or you can buy from me at 205% and 1000 dollars. save some money

I pay pretty much everyone somewhere near the $2,000-$3,000 range for belt charges.
Plus, my belt don't charge as high as the 301. That 215% might be 207% for my belt. It just lasts a whole lot longer...Takes like...30+ fights to completely drain that belt.
(2011.Jan.11 12:36 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]yea you can buy from him for an extra 10% and extra 1500 dollars, or you can buy from me at 205% and 1000 dollars. save some money
Why in the world would you use you CP and only get 1000.
Not even worth being in the career for those rates.
Use lrrltt, much nicer. Plus I've never been sent used anal beads instead of my belt from him.
(2011.Jan.11 08:19 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Use lrrltt, much nicer. Plus I've never been sent used anal beads instead of my belt from him.
that and someone said something a while ago about someone else hitting puppies with your belts, use llrlt for a abuse-free but stinging charge.
LrrLtt gives good charge.
and good helmet.