(2011.Jan.05 10:52 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]im fucking happy that the bullshit language filter is gone. cunt. that is all
please stay on fucking topic.

I don't care who your friends are. Racial slurs aren't wanted.
(2011.Jan.05 11:19 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Jan.05 10:57 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Jan.05 10:52 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]im fucking happy that the bullshit language filter is gone. cunt. that is all
please stay on fucking topic. 
Off Topic
im going to assume your 15 years old, am i right?? does mommy slap you for swearing around home?
lol noobs asking for help, omg plz teach me php. omg! what does echo() function do?
Seeing as the site got hacked and leaked, has anyone actually got a copy before zen was able to complain to megahost?
I want the database information so we can all see everyone elses stats, and devise a plan to beat them.!
Hahaha...Im sure Zen is pissed the code cost her a chunk a change and a pile of tools now get it for FREE