(2011.Jan.06 07:06 AM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]I don't post much but i def understand both sides if the argument.
From brus punt of view something might offend someone even if it wasn't meant to be offensive. As an example someone (I think it was pun please excuse me if I'm wrong) made a comment about a ***** Luke the animal however soneobe took it as meaning a diragutory term for an African American so the whole flew if posts including the original one which was on topic got removed. That's fucking stupid.
And on zens side she cites common sense as well as several ppl arguing her point in this thread. I don't doubt that a lot of it is common sense. I've been banned a handful if times and everytime I have been i was expecting it. As were most ppl u would have to assume.
The biggest issues is the gray area and u really don't think its that complicated for a kid to simply mail the poster after deleting a post or right before to discuss it with them after all sometimes you really are just talking about an animal and not trying to be a racist prick
you fucking hippies are all the same.
(2011.Jan.06 06:33 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]And to all of you saying that everyone should know what they are posting and the rules are fine you obviously havent had dozens and dozens of your posts get zapped or get warnings for going slightly off topic or going off topic in a thread that was going nowhere. And I suppose you havent ever clicked on last post and seen the "this page does not exist".
This made you look retarded.
(2011.Jan.06 12:40 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Jan.06 06:33 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]And to all of you saying that everyone should know what they are posting and the rules are fine you obviously havent had dozens and dozens of your posts get zapped or get warnings for going slightly off topic or going off topic in a thread that was going nowhere. And I suppose you havent ever clicked on last post and seen the "this page does not exist".
This made you look retarded.
What you talking bout' willis?
So now Zen edits the shit out of everything, or "someone" edits the shit out of everything? Whats the point? We are no better off than before...
Explain what you are attempting to say Thomas.
(2011.Jan.06 05:23 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]So now Zen edits the shit out of everything, or "someone" edits the shit out of everything? Whats the point? We are no better off than before...
Explain what you are attempting to say Thomas.
Why are you even in the forums if you hate what they represent so much? We can't all be perfect forum mods like you. Deal with it or GTFO. I'm tired of it. I seriously don't understand why you even spend the time typing anything.
(2011.Jan.06 05:23 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Whats the point? We are no better off than before...
That's what I was trying to ask earlier in the post, but question was made fun of then ignored. Zen's right, why should we waste our time on the forum if our posts are going to be deleted. Taking down the word filter does nothing b/c that wasn't the problem. The problem was with posts being burned.
(2011.Jan.06 05:33 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Jan.06 05:23 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]So now Zen edits the shit out of everything, or "someone" edits the shit out of everything? Whats the point? We are no better off than before...
Explain what you are attempting to say Thomas.
Why are you even in the forums if you hate what they represent so much? We can't all be perfect forum mods like you. Deal with it or GTFO. I'm tired of it. I seriously don't understand why you even spend the time typing anything.
I an a little curious why birds post calling me a hippie didn't get modded but my response did.
(2011.Jan.06 05:41 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Jan.06 05:23 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Whats the point? We are no better off than before...
That's what I was trying to ask earlier in the post, but question was made fun of then ignored. Zen's right, why should we waste our time on the forum if our posts are going to be deleted. Taking down the word filter does nothing b/c that wasn't the problem. The problem was with posts being burned.
Who's post was deleted since the forums were brought back up with the new rules? I've marked some as off-topic because they were completely off topic. Nothing has been deleted.