I aint logged in for a week or so but I forgot my pass word I must have it changed or something can anyone help me out here there must be a place I can e mail to get a new one.
got to get theghost back in...!
I think I changed my password when I was drunk cant recall realy but I emailed zen I need a new one so damn bad.
Ahh, another case of--my keyboard needs a breathalizer!
that is so true,I like to log in when I am just getting home drunk,at least I dont raise hell I just change my password to god knows what,and end up posting in the forum fo elp :shock:
the old "hide, move and change things while your drunk" habbit. That happen to me sometimes too. And when I say "sometimes," I mean all the time.

Then I sober up and can't remember what I've done and get mad at myself. :?
I do not need booze to be one the most careless, forgetful people on earth....
I can't blame it on the hops, but what I can blame it on is green... :wink:
this thread is crying for an intervention
have a seat.
no, please don't take me to rehap, anything but that. I swear I'll never have another bottle of beer again in my life. >Mumbles< : I'll only buy cans from now on.