(2010.Dec.24 12:32 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.23 09:09 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.23 02:42 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]i bet hed still be playing had he stacked his dex instead. also the beer store is falling off, maybe thats has to do with him leaving and abys wanting to follow
youre an idiot if you think that has anything to do with it
omg this gang i JUST joined is going downhill according to some newb who i dont know, I THINK I'LL RETIRE!
you clearly know me if i am the only person posting anything new in the toaster. silly
well thats 2 less people i have to compete with for rank. so im not too worried

(2010.Dec.24 12:18 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]He was also using a bot.
Do I sense some apathy.....?
No fed?
This is what we call in the medical community as flat lining.....Asystole........
He wasn't really using a bot. Any player who goes inactive, Zen says they were using bots to make it seems like she pays enough attention to the game to catch that stuff.
Face it. If he really was why wouldn't she ban him.