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Full Version: Enemy online indicator
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would it be hard to code a toggle button for the enemy list online indicator, so say your tracking some targets to keep them hosped, you could make it so it only shows when those targets are online.

so say 4 guys on your enemy list are online, but your only tracking one of them, it would show as:
Enemies List (1)

it would just be an easy addition to keep track of people you want to hosp when they log on.

EDIT: could also be only available for people with donator status?
Well, it would only be available to people with donator status anyways since it's the enemy list...or did you mean a high-priority list separate from the current list?
I thought he meant something kinda like a toggle button on the enemies list.
(2010.Dec.17 10:09 PM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it would only be available to people with donator status anyways since it's the enemy list...or did you mean a high-priority list separate from the current list?

lol oops, had a blonde moment.

i dont mean a seperate list, its the same list, just with a toggle button next to each persons name, toggle it on if you want it to show when theyre online, and leave it off if you dont care if theyre online or not.
That's what I thought you meant, but the "donator only" threw me off.
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