I'm curious to find out how many are left in the game, who else has any left?
I only have 1

1 here
Only have it for the keepsake.
I sold 1 within minutes of getting them for 1 million. Thanks anonymous seven laws player.
I sold the rest to psychotic and someone else for 100k a piece, when they tried to start a weapons and collectible ring, thingy.
Kept 1.
Hmm, so I suppose most people kept 1 lol. Might take 5 years for them to be a actual rare then lol
I never picked my two up

i've still got 4. Sold 2.
Item Type Food
Legality Legal
Availability Rating 0
Concealment Rating 10
Weight (kilograms) 0.0 kg
Standard Price N/A
Trade-in Value N/A
As a make-up to those who attempted the October 2008 contest and feel a bug stole money from them, this little dish attempts to soothe their hunger for retribution against the Admin monster. Eating it will completely heal their health and energy.
they are rare enough to be worth more than 500k