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(2010.Dec.08 09:14 PM)Loki Wrote: [ -> ]sorry to interrupt. What the feck is a candy?

shit ya win from some contests.. each candy gives you random stuff

free stim out hosp(docwagon)
melee/range bonus
defence bonus
energy refresh
ap refresh
happiness refresh i think
hit points refresh

shit like that
(2010.Dec.08 09:16 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Dec.08 09:14 PM)Loki Wrote: [ -> ]sorry to interrupt. What the feck is a candy?

drek ya win from some contests.. each candy gives you random stuff

free stim out hosp(docwagon)
melee/range bonus
defence bonus
energy refresh
ap refresh
happiness refresh i think
hit points refresh

drek like that

Clovers and candy canes too, with similar effects, and humanity bonus, donator days, etc.
(2010.Dec.08 07:53 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]w/b loki, never knew you but i've heard about you.(so i'm on topic)

This. Didn't know you very well last time around, but always glad to see another top-tier player return!
yeah acci is ok...but johnsonless is a dillhole
(2010.Dec.08 10:24 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]yeah acci is ok...but johnsonless is a dillhole

(2010.Dec.08 10:24 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]yeah acci is ok...but johnsonless is a dillhole

at least come up with a good insulting name, i mean seriously, johnsonless? wishesshehadajohnson? these are names i'd put up to be funny, as my username.
dude....loki is one of the real players in the game...when comps were week long....not one day
(2010.Dec.08 08:26 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]youre so smart thats the best you got....dude shes no smut...shes so tight she could keggle my dork into a diamond...

In case you forget birdy came face to face with your wife when he was brainwashed. And thanks to modern video technology, everybody knows that drek aint tight. Also hi Loki.


Still paying off the sleep debt from the shootout of 07

Mucho respect to anyone who has put in the time to win or place a comp. Week/day/whatever.

Really feeling like the ghost of xmas past here. Maybe I should go back from whence I came...

1.21 gigawatts
Should check out my profile. People cry a bunch about rigging with me and beer contests. It makes me laugh oh so very much.
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