(2010.Dec.07 04:48 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]He will go crying to Zen, he's got history of doing it.
Done it with me and accused me of breaking all kinds of rule's.
Well the Scottish don't play fair

Hahaha We play more fair then the jocks.
(2010.Dec.07 02:14 PM)assasin Wrote: [ -> ]funny dingus you call me a pu@@y but your crew has to hire hits on radio!! So who is the real pu@@y here me who has been getting hit by level 40's all day or your gang who has to hire hits?
I vaguely remember that Radioactive hired hits on us. So your argument is invalid. I suggest you shut the fuck up. Cant you see no one likes you in this game. Your the biggest pu**y here.
(2010.Dec.07 07:11 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.07 02:14 PM)assasin Wrote: [ -> ]funny dingus you call me a pu@@y but your crew has to hire hits on radio!! So who is the real pu@@y here me who has been getting hit by level 40's all day or your gang who has to hire hits?
Cant you see no one likes you in this game.
It seems as if Dingus likes him.
Assasin, you're a good dude, in reality, I know It, but no one likes a cheese-eater.
(2010.Dec.07 07:28 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.07 07:11 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.07 02:14 PM)assasin Wrote: [ -> ]funny dingus you call me a pu@@y but your crew has to hire hits on radio!! So who is the real pu@@y here me who has been getting hit by level 40's all day or your gang who has to hire hits?
Cant you see no one likes you in this game.
It seems as if Dingus likes him.
dingus likes anything that has a hole and he can get drunk...

(2010.Dec.07 01:23 PM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]Assasin has no idea about how the way this game really works. He/She/It thinks that its a simple mail to Zenith to get someone put in fed jail.
Assasin, wake the hell up and leave Zen alone. Handle it on your own dude. Its people like you who mail her over stupid BS that takes up a ton of her time.
Also, refer to the following:
Quote:Rule 18
This is a game of combat against real people. If you are hospitalized by another player due to your own actions (or those of your fellow gang members), you will have to face the consequences or settle the issue on your own. The administrative staff should not be summoned for personal disputes.
Link to game rules -
If he does get zen involved I say we all keep his gang in the hospital for a month. Its stupid BS like this that takes her time away from meaningful things she could be doing for the game.
(2010.Dec.07 08:24 PM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]Assasin, you're a good dude, in reality, I know It, but no one likes a cheese-eater.
comma comma comma comma comma cameleon
(2010.Dec.07 09:41 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.07 08:24 PM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]Assasin, you're a good dude, in reality, I know It, but no one likes a cheese-eater.
comma comma comma comma comma cameleon
It's karma not comma hahaha
Lyrical misunderstanding aside, nice reference choice