Is it worth it to become a cyborg because I see the best statted person Punisher isnt even a cyborg so is it really worth it to borg up for 11 or so stats and lose your health refresh drastically or to just spned them extra days to level it up?
(2010.Nov.29 05:56 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ]Is it worth it to become a cyborg because I see the best statted person Punisher isnt even a cyborg so is it really worth it to borg up for 11 or so stats and lose your health refresh drastically or to just spned them extra days to level it up?
borging doesn't become worth it for a long time. after a few years or so it'll take you months to level a stat, maybe even longer then borging starts to be worthwhile. most people who borged in the begining had no idea how important humanity can be. that's why suddenly contests offer a way to up your humanity quicker(in rare circumstances).
I have twenty borgs and am saving money for more as we speak, i love yhem and wouldn't take them off if someone paId me too. having said rhat i didnt start buying them until I was around level 40 1.5 years old and had highish stats. So I would def recommend buying as many as you can hut wait whole before you even start.
it doesnt take a borg months to train a stat. or anywhere close to that

unless you are a low level borg like the n00b pk.
and pun has borgs, but he is still human enough to show himself as human.
i didn't say it took borgs months to raise stats, i said it can take months to raise a stat. even with monsterous endo and the top house. i mean it takes me about a month to get up a level in acc and i haven't even broken 50 yet.
The C0ol kids have cheap it dude,be a borg.
borgs are good but whish i had waited to level 40 before i got any and the only ones i would get are dex and strength fuck the rest my hum is so low takes up to 45 mins for a refreash but its up to you the robots will win one day trust in that
I have a few as well. I would say to wait until you're at a higher level before doing it though.
use that money for housing instead of borging and you can continuously increase your stats instead of 1 time
(2010.Nov.30 11:41 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]use that money for housing instead of borging and you can continuously increase your stats instead of 1 time