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Tommi, the candy is to attract little rabbits and have them do sexual things. You should probably stock up.
macs right, they dont stack just runs consecutively.
14 fights later i still have range and defense bonuses
i'm pretty sure i still have the bonus, i'll let you know when someone attacks me
Fuck! Never around during Halloween.
as fare as i can tell, the candies definitely do not stack like the ones last year did. they last for more fights but seem to max out.

mac, the zombie axe weighs nothing, that may have something to do with you yielding higher hits with it. can't really compare unique weapons to standard ones.
(2010.Nov.14 10:21 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]as fare as i can tell, the candies definitely do not stack like the ones last year did. they last for more fights but seem to max out.

mac, the zombie axe weighs nothing, that may have something to do with you yielding higher hits with it. can't really compare unique weapons to standard ones.

The zombie was 5kg , the riot is 8kg but yeah its not a fair comparision, your right.
3kg difference is a lot for a melee user. you need some muscles to swing these axes...damn ranged users should stick to weapons that do the work for them Wink
(2010.Nov.14 10:38 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]3kg difference is a lot for a melee user. you need some muscles to swing these axes...damn ranged users should stick to weapons that do the work for them Wink

LOL, im a shotty user so need moderate muscles for that. Axes are only good for chopping down trees, im just trying to use this melee bonus up. lol
haha, i'm in downtown...chop away!
(2010.Nov.14 11:02 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]haha, i'm in downtown...chop away!

I had the axe equipped when you hit me last night, as you could see im better with the shotty.
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