My sincerest thoughts, thanks, and prayers go out to all vets and active duty...thank you all for your service. Our one last remaining example of honor, duty and sacrifice.
(2010.Nov.11 10:43 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]My sincerest thoughts, thanks, and prayers go out to all vets and active duty...thank you all for your service. Our one last remaining example of honor, duty and sacrifice.
You said it brutha! We enjoy the freedoms of life in the US how ever it comes due to the blood of those who give their lives enabling it...
Remembrance day here too in the UK.
Thanks to all the vets and those on active duty, and God bless to those that lost their own lives so that I can live mine in a free country.
To all ours who fought keep our heads up as our children will pride us... courage is no longer quality it is a tradition all who put everything they love on the line to bring the rest of us honor
(2010.Nov.11 11:07 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
thanks vets...and thank you rj always for your 11:am drunken insight!
No prob.... I work nights so that is staying up for one too many... Glad I could entertain.
same for australia. all troops that sacrificed their life in battle should be remembered. thank you.
memorial day is to remember those that died in battle, i believe. veterans day is for those that served. fucking aussies.
and, rj, i know and you never disappoint