I've been watching this gang for the past few days.
4 of its 5 active members are routinely signing on/off at almost identical times.
I mailed all of them complimenting them on being atop the gym-rat POI Saturday - with no response from anyone. None of 'em even read the mails, actually.
What say you, masses? I told Zen, but yeah...
General Info
Name: ChAiRiL [3305]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 28
Gender: Male
Signed Up: November 20, 2006 7:53:01 am
Last Active: August 27, 2009 11:04:42 am
Last Action: 432 days 22 hours 34 minutes 25 seconds ago
Online: Inactive
Days Old: 1443
Location: Midlan District
Friends: 8
Enemies: 31
Referrals: 1
Physical Info
Health Status: Healthy
Gang: UltraViolet
Federal Jail Inmate #1008
In violation of rule 13. Mail for more details.
Chairil's revenge?
(2010.Nov.03 08:32 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]
I've been watching this gang for the past few days.
4 of its 5 active members are routinely signing on/off at almost identical times.
I mailed all of them complimenting them on being atop the gym-rat POI Saturday - with no response from anyone. None of 'em even read the mails, actually.
What say you, masses? I told Zen, but yeah...
Looks like multis, for 4 people to have almost identical log of times is very weird, they are all within 2 mins of each other. Nasty, you should hosp them all and see if they
(2010.Nov.03 12:33 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Nov.03 08:32 AM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]
I've been watching this gang for the past few days.
4 of its 5 active members are routinely signing on/off at almost identical times.
I mailed all of them complimenting them on being atop the gym-rat POI Saturday - with no response from anyone. None of 'em even read the mails, actually.
What say you, masses? I told Zen, but yeah...
Looks like multis, for 4 people to have almost identical log of times is very weird, they are all within 2 mins of each other. Nasty, you should hosp them all and see if they
Make sure to hit them online, i will

go look at superdave's gang. i bet you'll get a little laugh
superdave and his gang are bots and multi's. rather sad.