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(2010.Oct.30 04:05 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]grow some balls. tell superdave to shove it. i told cheetah to shove it. i'll tell any of you wimps to shove it, ya hear me?!?!?!

Just like we've all told you to shove it Rolleyes


who's gonna protect me from superdave than?
(2010.Oct.29 08:22 PM)litze123 Wrote: [ -> ]and leaving the gang with out saying why i left and for apparently i scammed him into giveing me 4k and he was so kind for spliting the oc money with me
i hope this is enough for u to stop hosping me love ur enemy afterdeath

Thank you for the apology.I never threatened to hospitalize you nonstop although due to your n00bish nature you may have perceived my mails as indications of such I simply stated I wasn't satisfied with your initial apology as it wasn't specific as to what brought this all about.
You should be grateful for the enlightening lesson I've taught you as it'll certainly help you shed your n00bish ways and benefit you in the future in your interactions with others.
This conflict is resolved now and you have nothing to fear and there isn't anything you or anyone else can do that will cause it to re-open.SuperDave has spoken and so it shall be,SuperDave over and out.
(2010.Oct.30 05:11 AM)litze123 Wrote: [ -> ]who's gonna protect me from superdave than?

no one. take your hits. you will pass him if you try hard enough then get your revenge.


(2010.Oct.30 05:43 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.30 05:11 AM)litze123 Wrote: [ -> ]who's gonna protect me from superdave than?

no one. take your hits. you will pass him even if you log in once or twice a week then get your revenge



(2010.Oct.30 06:01 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.30 05:43 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.30 05:11 AM)litze123 Wrote: [ -> ]who's gonna protect me from superdave than?

no one. take your hits. you will pass him even if you log in once or twice a week then get your revenge


yo emocakes

29.Oct.10 emocakes attacked you and lost.



(2010.Oct.30 04:05 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]grow some balls. tell superdave to shove it. i told cheetah to shove it. i'll tell any of you wimps to shove it, ya hear me?!?!?!

All talk.
shove it shadowkid


Suck on a lemon.

Fricking Ashes coming Home baby.
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