(2010.Sep.30 02:42 PM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]Dave you're a mental midget. Fk off.
See what I did there? Use a few short words to get my message across, but obviously with your vast mental supremacy you wouldn't want to use a few words when a paragraph will do.
What a frikkin windbag.
I don't claim to be more intelligent than anyone I just use my intellectual capacity differently than many and it's not my problem if someone can't grasp the concept of sarcasm and distinguish when someone is or isn't be sarcastic.Try some depth perception when reading one's posts before posting one in response and remember whenever you choose to point the finger at another you have three more and a thumb pointing right back at you.Go have your boyfriend give you a brown shower and you can thank him or her with a red shower.Joke time now.What did one tampon say to the other tampon?Nothing they're both stuck up cunts

(2010.Sep.30 02:40 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.30 02:37 PM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent performance there now you're going to cause me to start gym training resistance and dexterity exclusively and increase my endurance via credits,schooling and Athletics career.Thanks for publicly demonstrating your superiority stat/skill wise.Just another example of my ability to mentally manipulate people into wasting energy and in the process showing all see here my intellectual supremacy
You have the mental capacity of a 6 year old boy with down syndrome, so i dont think you should be the one going around insulting others intelligence
and yet another great post xD +1 dit
He's so intelligent, he doesn't need lower-brain-capacity conventions like formatting or grammar.
(2010.Sep.30 02:42 PM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]Dave you're a mental midget. Fk off.
See what I did there? Use a few short words to get my message across, but obviously with your vast mental supremacy you wouldn't want to use a few words when a paragraph will do.
What a frikkin windbag.
LOL, thats not like you to post things like that.