I was wondering if we are allowed to create Greasemonkey scripts for awakenedlands, the only rule i found that related to this was
Use of any browser extention or program that "plays the game for you" or "plays the game while you are away" is not tolerated and will lead to a permanent banning from the game.
Now if all the script does is allow you to reformat the page (change the colors etc etc, add your own custom css to style the page) is this still against the rules?
i'm not talking about allowing scripts which play the game for you, those are wrong ( and against the rules).
I use GM on FF for MF of FB, to play for me.
Why else would you use a script for AL than to play for you? Just to change up some colors or fonts?
(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]I use GM on FF for MF of FB, to play for me.
Why else would you use a script for AL than to play for you? Just to change up some colors or fonts?
you could have it completely reformat the page, i.e: if you dont like the way things look, or you want the clock to be realtime so you can see how many seconds left till you refresh. etc etc.
You use GM for mafia wars? i used GM last night on facebook to remove all my "recent activity" in one click
as for making a script that plays for you, I don't see a point, scripts are far to predictable.
Been using GM on FF for awhile. scripts.org or something. Works OK most of the time. Been sniffing around a lot of scripts and trying to decide what I want to play around with. Lots of fun/trouble to be had....just gotta find out what kind of havoc I want to create...
you could make one which automatically replies to all tommi's forum posts

I've used greasemonkey in other games, I don't see a necessity in al. It was helpful in tc where it takes 3 hours for you energy to refresh. It would calculate the time, I'd write it down and hop back on when I had to, but w/ al I just use an egg timer. I'm sure there are numerous other applications for it, you could rework pages a little to meet your liking. As far as legality, I don't see why it would be prohibited. If you do make on it would be nice to release a copy so everybody can see exactly what it is. It may have a few unforeseen uses
only if your hands are clean
![[Image: gmwrescue320.JPG]](http://www.greasemonkeywipes.com/new/images/gmwrescue320.JPG)