I think we should be able to send gang mail form the hospital and jail. You can read it, but you can't send any. I know it's been suggested, could clutter gang mail, so it's a maybe.
If you mug an npc while their online, have a chance to score a little cash(not important, but I think it would be cool)
And the one most realistic, usable idea... Have a gang point upgrade to slightly improve your chances at succeeding in organized crimes. It would be a very slight improvement, so you would have to do several upgrades to make a difference.
Thoughts, suggestions, opinions? Like I said, if I had to pick one I think the third is the most viable
(2010.Sep.25 12:35 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]I think we should be able to send gang mail form the hospital and jail. You can read it, but you can't send any. I know it's been suggested, could clutter gang mail, so it's a maybe.
If you mug an npc while their online, have a chance to score a little cash(not important, but I think it would be cool)
And the one most realistic, usable idea... Have a gang point upgrade to slightly improve your chances at succeeding in organized crimes. It would be a very slight improvement, so you would have to do several upgrades to make a difference.
Thoughts, suggestions, opinions? Like I said, if I had to pick one I think the third is the most viable
+1 agreed with everythign u posted there
Word of mouth on the first one would be the most realistic approach, since people don't go to the morgue in this game.
Eh on the second one. It's okay.
(2010.Sep.25 12:35 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]And the one most realistic, usable idea... Have a gang point upgrade to slightly improve your chances at succeeding in organized crimes. It would be a very slight improvement, so you would have to do several upgrades to make a difference.
I like this one.
id like an experience log, like a bioplex for exp... been mentioned before but worth another try
a new admin who listens to peoples suggestions, reads mails, and actually codes.
I like all the ideas, especially the OC upgrade . . . and w/ the NPC mug, wouldn't even have to be online, Zen could randomly just load'em up w/ a few bucks every once and awhile, the lucky ones who get there first get the gold.
(2010.Sep.29 09:36 AM)2asandab Wrote: [ -> ]^^^+1^^^
I like all the ideas, especially the OC upgrade . . . and w/ the NPC mug, wouldn't even have to be online, Zen could randomly just load'em up w/ a few bucks every once and awhile, the lucky ones who get there first get the gold.
Hmmmm...sound fine but....but I want ALL NPC's have AI and attack all players...from level 15 to level 65....

NPC's should also declare war randomly.
All attacks should random. 1-4 chance of hospitalization.