2007.May.07, 01:45 PM
Hey, i was thinking of an idea for fighting. It be good if we were told how much hp attacker/defender lost all together?
You lost 56hp, Kokozama lost 98hp
You honorably defeat Kokozama in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Its pretty simple, but it would allow people to judge how well a fight went more accurately, instead of just ignoring the whole thing or looking through every single attack.
And also, if the Hp loss between attacker/defender appeared on the event message too, Since defenders know absolutly nothing on fight results.
You lost 56hp, Kokozama lost 98hp
You honorably defeat Kokozama in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Its pretty simple, but it would allow people to judge how well a fight went more accurately, instead of just ignoring the whole thing or looking through every single attack.
And also, if the Hp loss between attacker/defender appeared on the event message too, Since defenders know absolutly nothing on fight results.