(2010.Sep.17 02:16 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]"so just call us the Swiss, hehehe"
indicates cowplop to me
Yep a saying that is used to express neutrality in a war really shows the person is batting for one side.
The Swiss Confederation has a long history of neutrality—it has not been in a state of war internationally since 1815
(2010.Sep.17 02:36 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I just noticed. This is from 7 days ago, before Cheetah's ranting and dragging Syndicate back into a war they didn't want any part of.
Bender was going to "drag" them back into it using the oldest playground argument, You say your going to do that to me, will im going to do this to you. Or better know as my dads bigger then your dad.
(2010.Sep.17 02:16 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]"so just call us the Swiss, hehehe"
indicates cowplop to me
It indicates you didn't understand the reference i gave you moron. The actual reference means neutral as in not part of this crap. this is just another attempt to stir the pot cause your own real life is too boring you have to screw around with others. hehehe, go ahead hosp me addle minded.
friend of SV but not affiliated.
oh and i forgot, as for asking tommi to join Syndicate, that's something I would never apologize for. He has always been an asset to me and the syndicate gang. And I have always stood behind this thought despite whate others may think.
(2010.Sep.17 01:55 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]If there is any victory so far against SV none of it is because of EADP. Bender would be the only victor, EADP is just along for the ride. If bender is associated with EADP he can go join them.
Where did I say "E A D P" alone won? And as far as being along for the ride, I guarantee at least 3-4 of us have hit as much as ANY SV. Excl maybe Tommi.
(2010.Sep.17 03:49 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.17 01:55 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]If there is any victory so far against SV none of it is because of EADP. Bender would be the only victor, EADP is just along for the ride. If bender is associated with EADP he can go join them.
Where did I say "E A D P" alone won? And as far as being along for the ride, I guarantee at least 3-4 of us have hit as much as ANY SV. Excl maybe Tommi.
Opening of the thread. You said over and over "we win". You are EADP, bender is not. Don't think anyone in SV quit because of you. It was me checkbook if anyone that made them leave. While you put up a good fight and so does dingo and klaw, that doesn't mean EADP is winning anything yet. I can't say SV is winning anything though either.
(2010.Sep.17 01:59 PM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.17 01:55 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]If there is any victory so far against SV none of it is because of EADP. Bender would be the only victor, EADP is just along for the ride. If bender is associated with EADP he can go join them.
(2010.Aug.28 10:51 PM)TheHorse Wrote: [ -> ]3. Any other gang you are referring to is none of my concern. GQ's gang is his and whatever your problem with them is has nothing to do with me. As far as im concerned, this is between SV/VS and myself. You can hosps EADP or H4h, I couldn't give a flying f#ck.
check benders gang description. we are fully connected.... no homo.
ftr, i believe sv and vs are seperate.
I am sitting here, and staring at this thing. And i cant keep myself from thinking... I have a monstrosity of a cock. Just sayin
Hey, EADP! I am on a plane. Getting ready to take off...
You guys have heard the rest of this story before.
Holy f, I gotta pee!
(2010.Sep.17 03:56 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.17 03:49 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.17 01:55 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]If there is any victory so far against SV none of it is because of EADP. Bender would be the only victor, EADP is just along for the ride. If bender is associated with EADP he can go join them.
Where did I say "E A D P" alone won? And as far as being along for the ride, I guarantee at least 3-4 of us have hit as much as ANY SV. Excl maybe Tommi.
Opening of the thread. You said over and over "we win". You are EADP, bender is not. Don't think anyone in SV quit because of you. It was me checkbook if anyone that made them leave. While you put up a good fight and so does dingo and klaw, that doesn't mean EADP is winning anything yet. I can't say SV is winning anything though either.
some of us aren't online when you are joshy. we also now have a lot less targets that we can hit.
when h4h and sv got into their big war a while back, we where assumed to be a training gang or something to h4h. truth is we are friends with most of them, myself i consider friend to all. we are not connected. after 25 days it took cheets chug chug post to get them involved. so i can see where syndicate are coming from in this. the difference is we wheren't in a war when we left.
apart from one "accidental hosp" on inpace by me, when vs was killed off they have been left alone by eadp/jlr, with the exception of bender after that false promise from cheets.
sv are winning respect from us, as i am sure we are from them. cheetah mentioned countless times that we had no experience in a true hosp war. i think we have proven that to be wrong too.
g'day to my mate tommi.