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(2010.Sep.15 04:30 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.15 03:49 PM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]ive sat here for an hour and watched it

Lol, there is a whole world outside man. Do yourself a favour and go check it out.

Favour? Must be from Cleveland.
pretty shitty bot hes got then. doesnt seem to function properly

Name: Jarlaxle456 [30253] Donator: 33 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 41
Gender: Male
Signed Up: March 7, 2009 3:19:59 pm
Last Active: September 15, 2010 4:30:55 pm
Last Action: 3 hours 36 minutes 23 seconds ago
Online: Offline
(2010.Sep.15 03:37 PM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]Jarlaxle456 [30253] - is using a bot, at exactly 14 mins since last action it activated, performs a few hits and then goes inactive for 14 mins where it starts all over again so it never goes offline

Thats funny. One of the games most notorious multis calling others multis. What a fucking tool you are. Go hosp another level 10.

Log into your dads/brothers/uncle/next store neighbors cousins account again...
(2010.Sep.15 04:33 PM)Budweiser Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.15 03:37 PM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]Jarlaxle456 [30253] - is using a bot, at exactly 14 mins since last action it activated, performs a few hits and then goes inactive for 14 mins where it starts all over again so it never goes offline

can you please sign in to you other account and post the same observation. It would have much more credibility if more the one account had seen it

(2010.Sep.15 03:37 PM)yobtebe Wrote: [ -> ]Jarlaxle456 [30253] - is using a bot, at exactly 14 mins since last action it activated, performs a few hits and then goes inactive for 14 mins where it starts all over again so it never goes offline

Radioactive, I'm touched. Do you like me so much that you keep an eye on me 24/7 Smile

You are right that I log in every 15 minutes. I used to log in every 30 minutes, but then I sometimes find myself in hospital when I do. Why? Because of people like you who love to attack me the second I go offline. And its extremely irritating logging in and finding myself in hospital. So now I log in every 15 minutes.

If you feel I'm a bot, mail me at anytime, and I will respond the next 15 minutes Smile

PS: I'm currently unemployed, have been since January. Which is why my activity has been so high lately.
(2010.Sep.16 01:32 AM)Jarlaxle456 Wrote: [ -> ]PS: I'm currently unemployed, have been since January. Which is why my activity has been so high lately.

w0rd, unemployment rocks, sign up to the club, we get jackets and welfare cheques! lol


Welcome to the club!


Jarlexe he is just like all of us u are mistaken
(2010.Sep.16 04:38 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]Jarlexe he is just like all of us u are mistaken

Could've put it better myselflol
(2010.Sep.16 04:38 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]Jarlexe he is just like all of us u are mistaken

kinda looks like superdave/glamazon/spike in their normal typing format.... run-on sentences, no punctuation, and no Spellcheck.
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