(2010.Sep.07 12:41 PM)shauno Wrote: [ -> ]his ARSE is nothing to do with SOL at all !!!!!!
he is all S.L.A.....
lol his arse don't have nothing to do with any of us. and i don't think lucky ment SOL as in your gang lol. i believe he ment shite out of luck lol.
so calm down there little pilgrum
(2010.Sep.07 12:04 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]this is what happened to me in the last 2 days
Time Event Actions
12:28 am
New! GIR mugged you and stole $992.
New! GIR mugged you and stole $1,462.
New! You received $10,000 from StewyGriffen.
New! m3thplease hospitalized you.
New! CUTurGUT mugged you and stole $0.
New! DrAwesomo hospitalized you.
6.Sep.10 m3thplease hospitalized you.
6.Sep.10 BaLThaZaaR hospitalized you.
6.Sep.10 GIR hospitalized you.
pretty uneventful 2 days. kinda feel sorry for the guy

(2010.Sep.07 12:41 PM)shauno Wrote: [ -> ]his ARSE is nothing to do with SOL at all !!!!!!
he is all S.L.A.....
I was saying he's shit out of luck, i wasn't saying he was sol, shit out of luck equals SOL, so calm down there big guy
(2010.Sep.07 03:14 PM)ABaller Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.07 12:41 PM)shauno Wrote: [ -> ]his ARSE is nothing to do with SOL at all !!!!!!
he is all S.L.A.....
I was saying he's drek out of luck, i wasn't saying he was sol, drek out of luck equals SOL, so calm down there big guy
so are you guys claiming to be new shadows? ban over.

Awwww u guys r so mean... Its so obvious he's being bullied look at all those attacks on one day... I dont even think I get that many events! Unless i'm selling creds.

(2010.Sep.07 05:20 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]Awwww u guys r so mean... Its so obvious he's being bullied look at all those attacks on one day... I dont even think I get that many events! Unless i'm selling creds.

howls loves attention/events.
I SURE DO!!!!!!!!
Especially biteoffs those make me feel exceptionally loved!

Really you guys? He's just a kid.