Let's have at it......VerboseCollegeKid [4410]
What say you Zen.........
(2010.Sep.05 07:07 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]post-op or pre-op?
Name: [25713]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 27
Damn I thought you are a HE not a SHE...my bad

i went to the cyberware chop doc

AL is my fantasy world
(2010.Sep.05 05:04 AM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Let's have at it......VerboseCollegeKid [4410]
What say you Zen.........
She is in arcology... u dont need to drag Her anywhere.
(2010.Sep.05 07:07 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]post-op or pre-op?
You change your gender all the time tranny

funny how everytime i do, your the one who ens up in hospital, bogan