Guest trainer Arnold has arrived today to help everyone in their trains. At a healthy $5 per energy point he doesn't come cheap. You have the potential to see some slightly better to very improved gains today if you pay for his tips.
You start plyometric and agility training to work on your explosiveness and agility.
You have gained 15.1999 Dexterity development points by training it 14 time(s).
Please.....only 151......
You have gained 115.4946 Accuracy development points by training it x time(s).
what do you get approx wraithlord?
what do you get approx wraithlord?
Best train about 350........
Others have gotten better.....

others have spent more money on endurance and have more ep

lol. whats the ep at your level?
You begin doing hand-eye coordination exercises.
You have gained 166.7657 Accuracy development points by training it x time(s
(2010.Sep.05 06:46 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]others have spent more money on endurance and have more ep
lol. whats the ep at your level?
picked a bad time to start leveling
i bought my house again just so i could check what arnie was giving me today. oh well, the more i lvl, the more i stand to gain it seems!
(2010.Sep.05 06:53 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]112.
picked a bad time to start leveling
Let's start counting...lvl 51 .....