Names would be much funner to make if we were allowed to put what we wont in our name like шшф, really is anyone going to hack a game with symbols in a name? so why cant we put symbols in our names
(2010.Sep.02 05:54 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Names would be much funner to make if we were allowed to put what we wont in our name like шшф, really is anyone going to hack a game with symbols in a name? so why cant we put symbols in our names
Shoulda done a poll MEGs

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Otherwise we'll get people with
H3Y 1m R3@!!y @w3$0m3 |)0nt u th1nk S0?!?!!?1111
(2010.Sep.02 08:03 AM)Canosoup Wrote: [ -> ]No.
Otherwise we'll get people with
H3Y 1m R3@!!y @w3$0m3 |)0nt u th1nk S0?!?!!?1111
He's right....fuck russians names
there's a reason it is the way it is
(2010.Sep.02 12:48 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]there's a reason it is the way it is
This. It would make searching names annoying for one thing.
(2010.Sep.02 05:54 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Names would be much funner to make if we were allowed to put what we wont in our name like шшф, really is anyone going to hack a game with symbols in a name? so why cant we put symbols in our names
Screw that
Because it would probably mess up the codes for the site
more of an encoding issue. Some people use screen readers, some people use shitty browsers. if people use characters which arent in the standard character set (UTF-8, etc etc) the name wont show up. think of visiting some asian site and everything showing up with ???˚˚˙∆˙œøøœ∑¨øßå≥å≥÷÷÷÷÷¿¿¿¿÷÷÷÷///??? weird ass characters