(2010.Sep.01 11:44 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:43 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:38 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:36 AM)MrPickles Wrote: [ -> ]GTL
ok i change my answer to Gym, Tan, Laundry....
even with your answer 8.33 X 3 + 2 would leave you a penny short...
so the real question is, what happened to the extra penny :O?
nope, still working in whole numbers... just ack'ing the .3 factor...
(2010.Sep.01 11:44 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:43 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:38 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 11:36 AM)MrPickles Wrote: [ -> ]GTL
ok i change my answer to Gym, Tan, Laundry....
even with your answer 8.33 X 3 + 2 would leave you a penny short...
so the real question is, what happened to the extra penny :O?
lol good thinking.
Damnit! was i at least close?
EADP/Bender* 33.33% 7 33.33%
SV/VS 33.33% 7 33.33%
Bacon 33.33% 7 33.33%
whoa, yahtzee!
getting closer, but I still give it to EADP.
(jobs, and all...)
29369 ~LCBO~ DARKC0DEX 41 237 Hospitalized by WilliamR.
3271 {EADP} Shade 37 219 Hospitalized by AmyWong.
37815 VS NZvillianss 22 194 Hospitalized by DARKC0DEX.
27102 SV JREwing 27 142 Hospitalized by KlawesomeGary.
35870 SV Leela 23 130 Hospitalized by KlawesomeGary.
35216 VS TheFonze 24 121 Hospitalized by HarryTheGreat.
5916 SV BendoverRodriguez 46 116 Hospitalized by assgasm.
36522 Trash Vagabond 12 110 Hospitalized by 2asandab.
30185 {EADP} GlennQuagmire 42 110 Hospitalized by BendoverRodriguez.
5907 {EADP} Dingus 42 105 Hospitalized by AmyWong.
26379 SV URL 23 94 Hospitalized by HarryTheGreat.
4468 SV Chance 45 91 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
24426 {EADP} JushinLiger 27 90 Hospitalized by SuperDouche.
31500 {EADP} MrPapagiorgio 31 80 Hospitalized by AmyWong.
25868 SV HUNT3R 36 76 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
34344 SV ProfessorFarnsworth 23 69 Hospitalized by HarryTheGreat.
30215 SV CrazyJoker 32 67 Hospitalized by HarryTheGreat.
20420 |7|Laws| Juice 35 63 Bit off more than they could chew with awesomo.
27214 SV List 27 56 Hospitalized by MrPickles.
26800 SV RunAwayTrain 27 52 Hospitalized by KlawesomeGary.
12286 SV LordNibbler 35 52 Hospitalized by assgasm.
(2010.Sep.01 12:18 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]EADP/Bender* 33.33% 7 33.33%
SV/VS 33.33% 7 33.33%
Bacon 33.33% 7 33.33%
whoa, yahtzee!
You're celebrating b/c you're considered "tied"? Not setting your goals very high I see.
(2010.Sep.01 12:44 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 12:18 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]EADP/Bender* 33.33% 7 33.33%
SV/VS 33.33% 7 33.33%
Bacon 33.33% 7 33.33%
whoa, yahtzee!
You're celebrating b/c you're considered "tied"? Not setting your goals very high I see.
no, posting that it was 7-7-7 like a slot machine.
(2010.Sep.01 11:15 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 10:57 AM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 10:55 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.01 09:52 AM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]I had to toss bacon in there for all the non-voters. 
c'mon SV/VS! You have 90 people in your gangs, alone!
U need a remedial math class... wait.... WTF am I doing posting in these full on homo forums???
oh yeh! alcohol.... mmmmmmmm alcohol!
I do suck at math. 
Teach me!
3 guys go into a hotel needing a room for the night. They go up to the counter and ask the person how much for a room? The guy behind the counter says I am the bell hop and the manager had to step out but I think the rooms are 30 bucks a night.
So each guy pulls out 10 bucks and head up to their room.
The manager comes back and the bell hop tells the manager he sold a room for 30 bucks. The manager says the room are only 25 per night so take the 5 bucks and give it back...
The bell hop on his way to the room realizes that each guy gave him ten so he decides to pocket 2 bucks and give them each a dollar...
so now each guy got back one dollar, and therefore paid 9 bucks each for the room...
9 times 3 is 27 plus the 2 bucks the guy pocketed is 29...
what happened to the other dollar??
It is not complex. You are thinking too hard on this. Room was $25 out of $30 that was paid, and only $3 was returned to the three people. $25 (room cost) + $2 (bell hops tip) +$3 (ea got one) = $30. The extra dollar went to pay the room, you are just focusing on the wrong numbers.
Skipping the basic math, why are three men sharing a room with a max of two beds? And for $25 you can bet there is only one bed. So they are really paying $9 per guy to get their assets checked?
One of the occupants was jamestheshiner
Wow, SV is really stooping to new lows in this war. Just got this mail...
name changed to protect the innocent:
Sender : XYZ1223ABC [xxxx] online
Date : 1 September 10 @ 2:11:18 pm
Subject : RE(2):Just FYI
that someone in SV mailed me and offered cash if I voted in the poll to say they were winning
Reply | Delete | Block User | Report
lol, really? It's cyberworld guys, get a grip!