(2010.Sep.03 12:21 PM)NewErr Wrote: [ -> ]Don't do anything for 9/11 about terrorists that's insensitive,
not to the terrorists. do they celebrate it?
im ready for a comp...lets do this
(2010.Aug.30 04:08 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]There won't be a comp. Zen has already left the island.
Lol at whoever said that a couple of months is enough time to get coding done.
Yeah, maybe a couple months i.e: max 2, is needed to recode an entire game. But shes long gone, this is a cash cow. Like those "updates" she did to the mail system. Those updates we do see, and the "hidden anti spam features" would have taken all of 1 day to code.
We need more mods.........and a few more admins....
Then you people would complain some more. I should become mod/admin so I can bask in it before being of some help.
I would love to see you as a mod Tommi.......You seems to relish the abuse people heap upon you.....
(2010.Sep.03 07:51 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Then you people would complain some more. I should become mod/admin so I can bask in it before being of some help.
fat guts would make a great admin. with his constant posts to vote, i assumed he was one now. also the fact he refreshes every 3 seconds to see if someone stims shows both detication to this game and the fact he really has no life. fat guts for admin.

You wouldn't want me as admin. You'd be the first for a restart.

(2010.Sep.03 11:11 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You wouldn't want me as admin. You'd be the first for a restart. 
i could restart and my gang would still own yours.