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wow i was really drunk...i just checked and I had my armor in items list all this time since saturday but not equipped....funny
(2010.Aug.30 07:26 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]doh'd!

his vagina was seething that night...almost set the boathouse on fire. that's what cheets told me at least.
(2010.Aug.30 07:30 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Aug.30 07:26 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]doh'd!

his vagina was seething that night...almost set the boathouse on fire. that's what cheets told me at least.

sounds like a hot night
(2010.Aug.30 07:44 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Aug.30 07:30 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Aug.30 07:26 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]doh'd!

his vagina was seething that night...almost set the boathouse on fire. that's what cheets told me at least.

sounds like a hot night

it was even hotter than what cheets originally lead on also.

supposedly, she tried to light a cigarette and her skin was so saturated with alcohol, that she burst into flames. fortunately, her skin was so saturated with alcohol, that it took so long for the fire to burn through it, her perfect teeth were spared.
none of that is even remotely funny...are you trippin
(2010.Aug.30 08:43 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]none of that is even remotely funny...are you trippin

the link was funny. the other stuff i expect from tommi. bird you are better then that.......


what IS funny is he was still hosping bender, for 2 days, without armor.

Weak ass stupid borg. Be a real player and work your stats, so they always work, not half the time like borg stats do. Then you won't look like such an idiot, for being borged out the arse, and still having been beaten by someone without armor!

No matter, bc, the whole point is......

this just really makes us laugh, that he could beat you without armor.
(2010.Aug.30 09:38 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]what IS funny is he was still hosping bender, for 2 days, without armor.

Weak arse stupid borg. Be a real player and work your stats, so they always work, not half the time like borg stats do. Then you won't look like such an idiot, for being borged out the arse, and still having been beaten by someone without armor!

No matter, bc, the whole point is......

this just really makes us laugh, that he could beat you without armor.

i wouldnt complain about being 12th best in AL....
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