I accidently voted Crippled Wars lol
(2010.Aug.28 11:47 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Lets give this a shot. Might help people to remember to vote for the day.
Top RP Games Voting Page
Top Web Games Voting Page
Apex Web Gaming Voting Site
I'll bump the page and quote the links every day here. That should help the voting along a little.
No, link on the home page or I'm not doing it. It's not that hard, every other game does it. If zen refuses to put it there then I refuse to vote.
Fine by me. Just trying to help the voting process. Some people say it's just not in their routine, others say they forget(I'm one of these folks), and others just don't do it. Making this thread might eliminate all of that, seeing as a decent batch of people chat in the forum.
Edit: Added the official voting booth, if y'all want Zenith to see the tally for votes by the end of the day.
This has been brought up several times and zen has yet to change anything, or comment why she won't change it. Give people 5 credits a day and move the link, then everybody in the game will vote and we will have a better player turnout. This has been ignored for 1 of 2 reasons. Either Zen doesn't care, is tired of the game and wants it to fail; or, it wasn't her idea, so she's gonna be a typical hardheaded woman and refuse to comply. It really doesn't make sense the way she refuses to acknowledge certain ideas.
Or it's clutter. Or it's already there and you have to do a few more extra clicks(ooo, the burn) to do the voting. Or a game y'all have been neck deep in doesn't need incentives 'cause the player base should be a little more supportive, since most of the community has been here for years(seems she's doing something right).
As I said before, I'm just helping the voting process. This is here so y'all don't have to break your fingers making a few more extra clicks on the explore screen I'm sure half of you touch on a daily basis, for whoever reads the forums.
I asked Zen about it a few weeks ago...
20.Jul.10 Considering how huge the top games are, even if every active player voted and cheated and got 10 votes each, we'd still not make the top of the page. :/
20.Jul.10 Nore voting would help get us to the top though, right?
20.Jul.10 To be honest, voting never did anything. It's never brought in any players. Maybe 10 or so in 2 years, but since we aren't at the top of the list, we are not really visible.
20.Jul.10 I had a thought to help increase voting for the site. Have you thought of having like a weekly lottery for people that vote. Like each daily vote could count for an entry or something, then each week give away prizes to three names drawn "out of a hat"?
you don't think of it when it's under the explore link, it's a stupid place to put it.
No, we shouldn't need incentives, but it would get the people that normally wouldn't vote to vote. It's called smart business. It would create a better turnout and attract more players. I like your attempt at fixing the problem tommi, but it's not going to be as effective as zen fixing it the way it should be
Eh. Easy business is what your thoughts are called, and easy business is like lemonade; It's great for a period of time, but it doesn't last past a few seasons. If she started by putting it on the front page, people would vote decent for a while, but then it would drop, demanding another boost. Then, incentives are made, and that runs decent for a while before dropping off. Next is more sites to vote on, meaning more incentives, meaning another decent turnout until, before long, it's burnt out.
You're either going to vote, or you're not going to vote. I'm here just putting the links out so that it's just that much easier to vote. All of this debating back and forth? You could have done voted before your first post was made.
yeah, this debate is over. You're pretty much grasping at straws to try to make a point