It's already been mentioned about the higher level people always being on the top of the POI which is my viewpoint so the POI I don't think should be added for XP gains, however, a daily record like development points would be very cool so you knew when you leveled, how long it took, etc...
Great idea.
...and +10 to the quotes about the game being lame as hell with nothing new in ages...I'm bored as frack.
(2010.Aug.23 07:16 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]It's already been mentioned about the higher level people always being on the top of the POI which is my viewpoint so the POI I don't think should be added for XP gains, however, a daily record like development points would be very cool so you knew when you leveled, how long it took, etc...
Great idea.
...and +10 to the quotes about the game being lame as hell with nothing new in ages...I'm bored as frack.
you could hit some sv members. freshened it up for us.

AL has gotten boring lately
no new crimes, no new dungeons, no new bosses to beat
I can't even get a decent drop when I kill dungeon minions
play mafia wars.....a bit more exciting and new....kinda.
(2010.Aug.23 09:20 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]AL has gotten boring lately
no new crimes, no new dungeons, no new bosses to beat
I can't even get a decent drop when I kill dungeon minions
You could drop a load into Cheeters craw........that would liven it up.....
mafia wars is pretty boring as well, i gave up playing after about 2 months.
Thats so funny most of my dolt co-workers play.......
yea would like to see it.
(2010.Aug.23 09:27 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]play mafia wars.....a bit more exciting and new....kinda.
Not really and forget playing by phone, they keep adding more things you need flash for.
facebook games make me angry. and on topic, i would like to see an exp log and have brought it up before, no response