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Full Version: go spacebird lol
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(2010.Aug.10 09:40 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]Gimme back my grilled cheese sammich!


Get your own.
Well...That was random and mean...Seemingly uncalled for...

I like it.
(2010.Aug.10 06:57 PM)BenDover Wrote: [ -> ]Ditallica, have you ever seen the picture of the retards fighting? because i see you as the guy on the left.
Not winning, not losing, just being a retard


sounds like a good idea for a sport. put 2 retards in a ring, we place bets, the winner gets a shiny object
(2010.Aug.11 06:55 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]

Jesus saves... Cause he shops at wallmart.
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