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Full Version: Congrats Raf
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Well played Raf.
(2010.Aug.05 02:32 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]best video evA!

*gracefully bows out*

I can't top that.
(2010.Aug.05 02:32 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]best video evA!

does this make me the first person a level 70 went limp on...

8.Aug.10 Rafal attacked you and lost.

8:45 am Rafal attacked you and lost.

and the first to receive a facial!

8368 ~!!!~ spacebird 51 462 Hospitalized by Rafal.
(2010.Aug.09 09:51 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]and the first to receive a facial!

8368 ~!!!~ spacebird 51 462 Hospitalized by Rafal.

9:11 am
New! Rafal attacked you and lost.

no gcb and 20 levels below.

Show how bad this game is flawed
(2010.Aug.09 10:58 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Show how bad this game is flawed

Or how much everyone loves critical hits.
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