if E=mc squared... then why is it that i lose the same amount of energy when i attack a level 2 (and use one hit point), as i do when i attack a level 27 (and use 1300 hit points)?
lets do a recodification.

Well unless your punches are creating nuclear fusion, E=mc^2 isn't applicable.

So what you are saying is it should take less effort to shoot at a low level, as it would to shoot at a more experienced player? (Or throw a punch or what ever attack is the one you like best. I prefer to shoot, so I will use that) Yes, ok a more experienced player is better able to dodge my bullets, Pullo actually throws them back at me, and lower levels are easer to defeat. Your hit points are not just the amount of physical damage you can absorb, but also your ability to avoid damage. This would be a measure of how well you react in combat situations. As a higher level character you have had more exposure to combat then a lower level character and are able to better defend yourself. So it would stand to reason then after a fight with a lower level character even though your hit points show that you have lost say 20 points, your character may not have actually taken any physical damage. It is a representation more of his emotional state after the fight. He is slightly rattled, a little jumpy, and maybe coming down from an adrenaline rush. He is not in top fighting form, but not in too bad shape. A quick snack would calm his nerves, enter the classic beef jerky.
As for energy, it takes no more or less to pull a trigger, swing a sword, or throw a punch on a low level as it does to do same on a higher level. I have always thought, how ever that a character should get a happiness boost when they win a fight, or pull off a high level crime. These things would make the character happy to have accomplished them. On the down side it would only be fair to loose happiness when loosing a fight, or crime. It would be a good way to boost the happiness so you can get back in the gym.
I hope this was helpful for you.

now you know why i just ask him now instead of posting questions in the forum :wink: but seriously, it sorta uncomplicates things to view it from that stand point.
also the happiness boost would be great i never paid attention before and just assumed success at stuff would increase my happiness.... now that i think it doesnt, ARRG!!!!! I"M FURIOUS!!!!!!!! WHAT THE @*^*!!!! THIS IS SOME BUL@%@#!!!! I CANT BELIEVE I'VE ALLOWED MYSELF TO MISLEAD MYSELF!!!!!! RAARHHHG!!!!!
no, i joking. i just thought it would be fun to flip out for some reason

nuclear fusion punch would be friggin sweet too
This would just cause more problems with higher levels harassing lower ones. Bad for the community, bad for the game...
aqualung, i think it takes less energy out of me (or should) to fight a level 2 than a level 27. i only stand and pull the trigger once at a level two (for a couple rounds) and dont have to spend energy getting out of the way of his federal arms holdout bullets or combat knife.
agasint a level 27, i have to run and dance and shoot and dodge for 60+ rounds. therefore, it stands to reason that it takes more energy out of me.
Your right, It does take longer to fight ppl closer to your own level, but the amount of energy it takes to do the fight is low. at level 22 It only takes me 18 points to fight. I think it would slow down the game too much for a hand full of EP. You and I may be doners, and have high spead connections, but there are some that still use dial-up. I noticed that Zenith tries to accomidate them. Doc has a good point, you would see a lot of higher levels attacking lower level players. I know I would look at the cost of points vs. the return in Exp. If there is a better return attacking low levels, I'm going to spend time doing it.
Conrad1103 Wrote:if E=mc squared... then why is it that i lose the same amount of energy when i attack a level 2 (and use one hit point), as i do when i attack a level 27 (and use 1300 hit points)?
lets do a recodification. 
Why on earth are you attacking a level 2???
It seems that having all attacks cost the same amount of energy keep high level players from hitting 12 2nd level players per refresh when they are level 27.
If you get get 1 Xp for attacking a level 2 player but 200 from attacking an equal leveled player it has a built in protection for low level players from high levels since the cost doesn't equal the gain.
The code is GREAT how it is to encourage you to test yourself instead of beating on NewBs
"Why on earth are you attacking a level 2???
It seems that having all attacks cost the same amount of energy keep high level players from hitting 12 2nd level players per refresh when they are level 27. "
im not attacking level 2s. and if i could attack 12 level 2s, id only get 36 exp (and all the shame, harrasment and beatings that would come along with it).
the point is not to circumvent the system to gain EXP by beating up an army of lower level people.
im just pointing out, that i get the same amount of attacks, per energy refresh, whether i attack 2 level 25s or 2 level 2s, even though one fight my go 60 rounds and the other 3 rounds. that just doesnt seem right.
right now, i have 64 energy. each fight takes 22 energey from me (thats two fights per refresh). im not asking to be able to fight 15-20 smaller guys per refresh, but a level 27 should be able to attack lets say... ** scratches head**......4 level 15s, 4-5 level 10s, and 5-7 level 5 and below (of course, depending on the battle stats of the oppenent, this would change). why would i want to even be able to attack a level 5? here is an example:
im declared on by 3 gangs at once, all of them considered "lower level", compared to a level 27. im the only one online for my gang. for whatever reason, i decide to attack some of their online guys (either to make a statement, or to try to win a war or two, or whatever...) **NOTE - to me, all is fair in love and war and online attacks during war are to be expected if you delclare on an online gang, IMO**.
given the above example, i could only attack two of them. maybe i want to be able to hit 5-7 of them. that could make a difference in a war. im not trying to disadvantage lower level people. i just think there is some room for improvement when it comes to energy usage in PvP fiights. this could certainly work agaisnt myself and my gamg, just as easily. from a selfish standpoint, i probably WOULDNT want to see a change. b/c id suffer more butt whippings than i would likely dish out. but from a logical standpoint, its more reasonable.
example #2 - lets say the 499ers declare on my gang. most of their higher level guys are offlline and only their smallest guys are online. if i could attack 4 of them per energy refresh, instead of 2, my gang would stand a better chance.
im just trying to give examples of when a higher level person would want or need to attack a lower level person. im just thinking maybe energy usage could be more related to ROUNDS of fighting, instead of a predetermined amount of energy.
guess im all alone on this one, but i wanted to thow it out there for discussion. ive never seen it talked about before.
I see your point more clearly, and I think I agree with you. As you rise in level you should be able to have more attacks. the cost of actions with the exception of crimes rises with you, and in some cases it should not. I do belive a higher level player should have more hide out attacks then a lower level player, I don't think the point cost of hide out attacks should increase. I don't do coin con crime because it doesn't pay. I don't attack low level players because the pay off in exp is too low to even bother with, and my gang hardly ever attacks low level gangs for same. Mid-level, and high level ppl should be able to obliterate any low level gang that decides to stir up trouble. The pay off in points is enough to keep the high level gangs focused on each other for the most part.
(If I may Hijack your thread here for a moment) I belive that gang hide outs should also have a part of twon that they are based in. The gang can only put the hide out in a part of town that all members can get too, and attackers must go to that part of town to attack the hide out. This could be a cost upgrade for the gang. Lets say all gangs start out in the down town part, but you have to buy the upgrade to a new part of town. this might help protect some of the gangs that have high level players from getting 4 and 5 low level gangs all attacking them at once.