yes but you still have to read all the shit talking on them cuz no1 can be civilized i posted a simple question if you didnt like it write why and if you did then say why not to have people posting stuff about how i write or how much of a dumbass i am for posting it
(2010.Jul.07 02:28 PM)greennn420 Wrote: [ -> ]yes but you still have to read all the drek talking on them cuz no1 can be civilized i posted a simple question if you didnt like it write why and if you did then say why not to have people posting stuff about how i write or how much of a dumbarse i am for posting it
You were the first one to be "uncivilized", bud.
Ok, if you really want my opinion, here are the reasons that I don't like this idea:
1.) It's already been suggested. If enough people supported it in the past, and Zen still didn't do anything, we're wasting our breath now.
2.) There are other things that I'd rather see. New improvements that make the game better all around, or things to balance the game, or make it constantly fresh.
3.) It's needlessly complex. I still don't understand the whole "go to hospital, then jail" process. The way that I see it, it would be incredibly difficult to balance properly.
4.) It doesn't make sense realistically. In real life, would a police officer allow you to keep your automatic shotgun when you enter your cell? No. Thus, all fights would have to be fistfights, and thus almost all would end in stalemates, meaning just a pointless addition.
5.) I simply don't like it. Jail is meant to be a punishment. If you choose to commit a crime, deal with it and wait to get busted. It sucks, but it's always sucked. It's meant to stifle your game time, not just allow a bunch more minigames.
How was that?
i was uncivilized first lmao JudgeDredd your the one that started the shit talking about my spelling and i havent spent every day of my life on the forums like some people so i didnt know its already been talked about i posted it cuz i want to make the game better and there are weapons in jail and you still have them when you go into it so that wouldn't be a problem and its not that difficult it could show the same thing like on wooks and witch ever one is long is where you end up but first the hospital and if your supposed to be in jail for say 100min then you go to the hospital for 40 then when you get out you go bk to jail for 60 its basic math and it would be a way to get ap but only if some1 attaccs you and it could end up being pos or neg if you had a friend that was going to bust you its really simple and adds a little more strategy
no im right were the ones that play we are the ones that get the ideals but never post them cuz were afraid some1 is going to tell you your dumb but zen is only one person how is she supposed to come up with everything for the game thats why we need to help and if you like the game you will even if some of the stuff gets over looked anything could help even a dumb ideal cuz maybe it will get fixed or start another ideal so dont be an ass help zen and the game out i mean its most of you guys only thing to do is play you cant say you haven't had an ideal for something on the game at one time
I just started last month and when I started to get ideas on how to make the game a little fancier I was told to play the game for awhile until I get up in age. I blocked that cat and he hosped me for that. So go to your preference page and put all the players like me on the ignore list and skip reading our posts. That is if you are too sensitive to bear being called a dumbass
all this talk of jail is making me horny.