(2010.Jun.28 09:03 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.28 05:48 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Intel=a waste
What's your highest skill rating?
(2010.Jun.29 07:39 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.28 09:24 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.28 09:03 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.28 05:48 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Intel=a waste
What's your highest skill rating?
Not intel.
no dumb sht. Skill, not stat. If your int is at 6, the highest your skill rank can go is 6.
Anyone got a rank 10 in a skill yet?
A few peeps got rank 10
I don't know who's got the highest rank though
I just want to know how long it takes.
about a year to reach rank 10
If I hadn't lost a year I'd have it
so far I'm only a rank 5

i'm about rank 8, but i did other skills also... in all i could prob have 12 or so if i just did shotty and had the intel for it