(2010.Jun.17 05:14 PM)kyletrask Wrote: [ -> ]how am i crying ass_hole_face like all i said is does ne one got 2 lrg stim
he's right he wasn't crying Dirk... he was begging!
Your begging for stims and your a hoss
(2010.Jun.17 05:09 PM)kyletrask Wrote: [ -> ]howl you crybaby get the fuck_off my thread and i dont have a mill like 300k to 600k but they must be in for at least a week lol i dont have ne money like seriously
then send me the 600k and i'll see if conrad wants to talk to you. i'm warning you though, he's probably gonna want to get paid for hitting handjobs 4 hire and putting sw members out there to be whacked.
With threads like these, he wonders why he gets hosp'd.
That 600k might b better put towards stimz.
Shoot send me 600k and i'll wack them for you
Better yet I'll have my homies do a 187 up their arse
Can i have 10mill please.
thank you all for the laughs. It is once again safe for me to masturbate.
Oh and Howl stop picking on noob ya big racist, crybaby.

first off bael why dont you go fuck_your face and the only ones id send the money to if i even had it to send wich i do not i would only send it to sb or conrad the rest cant beat ne of them so dont even front