did you see the threads that got burned a few days ago, friday I think? I'm not saying we should make him retire, but this "apology" shouldn't just end it. He _pissed off a lot of people in his little meltdown
Kyletrask is soft. Did not fight back. Did not give enough head. Should be named ( IcumshotI )
Goodone Joshiwa.
(2010.Jun.14 02:24 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]did you see the threads that got burned a few days ago, friday I think? I'm not saying we should make him retire, but this "apology" shouldn't just end it. He _pissed off a lot of people in his little meltdown
No I admit I didn't see them, I must have been offline. I heard he was being a total skank in the forums but I didn't see what was said exactly.
If you do get another chance Kyle, I think it would be best to pull your neck in and stfu. I stuck up for you here, if the community feels that the debt has been paid, but you contimue to be a prick I will take it as a personal insult and hosp you till your eyes bleed.
Why the eff does p...rick get filtered?
Who cares. The game would be boring as hell if we all liked each other etc.
Suck it up people.
(2010.Jun.14 02:47 PM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]No I admit I didn't see them, I must have been offline. I heard he was being a total skank in the forums but I didn't see what was said exactly.
If you do get another chance Kyle, I think it would be best to pull your neck in and stfu. I stuck up for you here, if the community feels that the debt has been paid, but you contimue to be a nick I will take it as a personal insult and hosp you till your eyes bleed.
That's already been done. This is the second time he's done the exact same thing, except this time he publicly attacked about 3/4 of AL (although he likes EADP still). How many times must he do the same, apologize, have members of AL forgive him with the caveat he not do it again, and repeat before we're sick of it? In fact, I told him exactly what you just said last time he did it when he and 7Laws got into it, then he did the same to our gang. Now this again.
The only reason I may stop is because he costs me about $10k per hit, and I can't justify he's worth the cost.
its a game of criminals and killing
if you cant back up your trash talk
then put a sock in it
Didn't realise he was a 3 time loser. I don't stick my neck out for many people in the forums, maybe I did this time cos I had a few voddy and cokes and felt a bit sorry for the lil fella.
I been getting mails about the back story and it looks like he dug his own grave spade by spade.
I also got directed to the the thread where he attacked Howl. The words 'Howl' and 'stupid' do not belong in the same sentence. Fact'd.
Sorry Kyle, looks like you CutUrOwnGut.
(2010.Jun.14 03:38 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]LLLLaaaammmmmeeee
its a game of criminals and killing
if you cant back up your trash talk
then put a sock in it