Although bacon is not on the list it is not to be ignored........
Whom do you think is the master of theatrix......
The list is too long for one thread.
SB by a country mile but this is a stupid thread and people shoul exercise their right to not vote.
Thank you for thinking of the bacon option at least

But you forgot the "All of the above" one :x
Sorry all

OP forgot to add his own name...
I voted for myself like a good candidate, but I haven't really complained about much in a while.
(2010.Jun.11 06:41 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]SB by a country mile but this is a stupid thread and people shoul exercise their right to not vote.
It's all good Rex but stupid is as stupid does.........Doh
Ozzy BACON....????
(2010.Jun.13 11:03 PM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Ozzy BACON....????
Vote Megatron!! i have Love handles