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Full Version: Renegade
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Pages: 1 2


If dog's not on the menu when is Cat on it then?

Simple question.
Cry and I'll stims you
Don't worry SK....I sent a nice nurse for you in hospital....


I feel like getting some shrimps for lunch....
You thought it would be fun trying to hosp me didn't you Sghey
Boys...what is the problem here???....

Welcome at AA...Awakenedlands Anonymous.....who start first???


No it just surprises me how weak you were yesterday and how "strong" you are today

sniff sniff do i smell a belt or some gang protection?
(2010.Jun.09 05:13 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Boys...what is the problem here???....

Welcome at AA...Awakenedlands Anonymous.....who start first???

Piss___ off, don't you have foley and bru too annoy.

EDIT how the hell is pi ss off fucking blanked out as upset.Stupid filters.
Hey SK! I heard jamestheshiner wants to eat your man puss
(2010.Jun.09 05:10 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like getting some shrimps for lunch....

Shrimps.........or rather shrimp..........DumbF_ck


No actually Shrimps i like shrimps i dont like the 1 so stfu redneck.

Go give your wife a dirty sanchez fucking chipmunk.
Pages: 1 2
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