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Full Version: Who bought out the credit market?
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Shut up you narc.
Check out this epic WSP video (SFW)

Fo Realz
There's a difference between drunk and dopesick.
Whats going on in here? I was at the International House of Nancakes for lunch.
I wonder how many peeps have been successfully sourmath'd?
Tubgirl them!
Thx Dingus I needed that!!

2:43 pm
New! Someone bought your 1,000 credits from the market for $450,000.

*Wonders what my other 1k creds might be worth*
Thanks Dingus we appreciate the retaliation hits.
(2010.Jun.08 02:01 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Dingus we appreciate the retaliation hits.

Who woulda thunk it?
dont worry, jager put a stop to dingus, suck it dingo
(2010.Jun.08 02:39 PM)JagerBomb Wrote: [ -> ]dont worry, jager put a stop to dingus, suck it dingo

You should follow him out the door asshat
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