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Full Version: WTF lame hosp time
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You pound evildeedz to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.

Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 75

WTF all my fucking hosps on this cu next tuesday have been under 100mins

1st 2 hosp's were under 100 mins now a fucking brute is under 100 mins seriously fuck this fucking game man sort the codes out ffs whats the point of the hosp function if we just get under 100 mins it should be 100 mins minimul ffs Seriously and a brute should be what atleast 150 mins minimul fucking dumb ass code. Pull your head out of the sand zen geeeeeeeeee
Round 1
Dingus hits HeadeeBroosevelt for 1455 damage. HeadeeBroosevelt resists 12 for a total of 1443 damage.
Dingus defeated HeadeeBroosevelt.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 303
Hospitalization Time : 21
SK, that was lame. Your brutals are lame. Your Gospel are fail. You are fail. You cannot keep me in the hospital. I am one resilient sob


Im lame but you come out with something like that....
Your lameness has nothing to do with me. Does it piss you off that you have to expend all your energy just to put me in the hospital for the 39 seconds it takes me to stim?


OMFG do you have the mental capacity of a fucking 6 year old or something?

You pound evildeedz to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.

Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 75

fuck this game.
Post that, but who is in the hospital?


Erm let me see me, i don't hide behind a gang too stim me out nor give me protection. As far as im concerned your a pussy i need not waste my time with you.

or should i put that in English for you?


You pound evildeedz to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.

Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 147

Ahhh seems your "protection" has worn off.
If I am a kitten you must really bite boner. I don't use gang back up and I have been in a hosp war since last night. I still have time to fish hook your sorryass bullet hole.
NEW! 7:13 pm ShadowKid attacked you and lost his anal virginity, again!
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