I recently fought a very tough opponent who was an Axe user. He had sky high dexterity and strength. Upon sharing stats I found out why I was getting so little XP even though he brought much pain. Very low acc and enough resistance to equip a dyneema trench.
Thinking I should have gone axe because it seems efficient to primarily train dex for defense and strength for offense as well as reducing encumberance for possible combat evasion.
That was hilarious. But seriously, I've been getting crap experience since I started the game. I just deal with it and smack more people.
I think people put too much thought into weapons. If you get your stats high enough nobody will beat you.
(2010.May.30 11:05 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]I recently fought a very tough opponent who was an Axe user. He had sky high dexterity and strength. Upon sharing stats I found out why I was getting so little XP even though he brought much pain. Very low acc and enough resistance to equip a dyneema trench.
Thinking I should have gone axe because it seems efficient to primarily train dex for defense and strength for offense as well as reducing encumberance for possible combat evasion.
is this someone me? i don't use axe
(2010.May.30 12:20 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]If you get your stats high enough nobody will beat you.
Stat high than weapon???
an odachi(dex-23,str,23) with dex-35,str-40 is better than Nodachi(dex-32,str-28) with dex-33 and str 29.???
your stats must be high than your weapon stats,or the wepon must be better???
(2010.May.31 12:43 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.30 12:20 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]If you get your stats high enough nobody will beat you.
Stat high than weapon???
an odachi(dex-23,str,23) with dex-35,str-40 is better than Nodachi(dex-32,str-28) with dex-33 and str 29.???
your stats must be high than your weapon stats,or the wepon must be better???
![[Image: family_guy_-522.jpg]](http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy212/mullzy101/family_guy_-522.jpg)
good stats,weapon sucks = stats sucks,good weapon???
Some of the best gang combat farms come from hitting a player with good stats but missing the endurance to equip an upgrade. I have sucker banged a couple 10 pointers in gang battle
(2010.May.31 01:02 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the best gang combat farms come from hitting a player with good stats but missing the endurance to equip an upgrade. I have sucker banged a couple 10 pointers in gang battle
what about suckers with high end, but they have shit stats and good weapon
(2010.May.31 01:11 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.31 01:02 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the best gang combat farms come from hitting a player with good stats but missing the endurance to equip an upgrade. I have sucker banged a couple 10 pointers in gang battle
what about suckers with high end, but they have drek stats and good weapon
Shhhh...they listen'