(2010.Jun.08 06:31 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jun.07 06:26 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]That's why I wanted to level while weak after seeing a ton of complaints about exp from strong players. I know t44e has been up there with me in attacks per day, but he only gets ~300 exp off me when he hits me so I've passed him in levels despite a huge head start.
Just got this from Ghostrider:
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 528
Hospitalization Time : 29
Exp system kinda sucks for players. Punishes you for being too strong. Needs to be a bigger gap that lets a player get max exp possible.
There is something seriously wrong with that. I have never seen that much exp, and for a player at that level to get it off a weakling like ghostrider, it shows how truly flawed this game is.
What's to stop you from leveling to 100 and never touching the gym, just keep getting massive exp off the same farm over and over. Don't get me wrong, your leveling is impressive, but those gains and the exp structure are bs.
Couple what you just said with the ability of a career to trump 30 levels of training is why everyone is leaving this POS game.
Zen you fugged up

The threshold for this "powerlevel" thing needs to be widened to let players get the max range of exp from more players. Granted, I couldn't hit 500+ exp off a target until level 46 I think.
Have to kind of play to how the game was set up though. I'm going to train at 50 a little, so I'll lose a lot of targets. But I'll still try to level to 55 or 60 while I am still weak enough to get the max exp possible. It's how the game was designed. If I decide instead to train into the top 50 when I hit level 50, I can't complain..I know already that it means I lose getting all that exp.
(2010.Jun.08 06:31 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]What's to stop you from leveling to 100 and never touching the gym, just keep getting massive exp off the same farm over and over. Don't get me wrong, your leveling is impressive, but those gains and the exp structure are bs.
Each level you gain increases this mysterious "powerlevel." In other words, you lose targets simply by leveling, even if you gain no other stats. You can't max exp at level 40 if you're stats are in the 20s. I was called an empty shell, but I can't be. There's a point where I'll get the same exp as you guys if I am too weak in stats for my "powerlevel."
No, it's called a glitch in the game. You gain extra exp from being a higher level, and you gain extra exp b/c of the stat spread. Mace figured it out a long time ago, but to see you getting over 500 from a target I barely get 200 off of is bs. Your extra hp is never taken into account. A person close to level 50 shouldn't be able to attack a person close to 20 levels lower then them and gain that kinda exp.
For the record, dingus' response made a lot more sense
IMHO a player should give a flat amount when attacked, maybe with a little variation, based on stats, health, and equipment. Your own stats/health/equipment shouldn't be factored in.
Quote:Posted by Accipender - Today 06:41 PM
IMHO a player should give a flat amount when attacked, maybe with a little variation, based on stats, health, and equipment. Your own stats/health/equipment shouldn't be factored in.
I like this system in place, I just think the range needs to be extended to players that you can attack for that ceiling of exp. Otherwise, you have to play the game the way it is designed. The benefit we noobs have is that we can see the complaints of old players and ask what they would have done differently, and then do it that different way.
I like the way the exp system is designed, you should get more exp for tougher battles. It's the only fair way I can see doing it. I take off my armor to get better exp at times. I just think there should be something in place so that a level 50 w/ stats of a level 30 can't farm low level inactives and get inflated exp. It's an exploit, it should be fixed. I'm not say you should get bad exp off players like ghostrider, I just think the 275-300 exp range is a little more fair. I know you worked your ass off to get where you are, I just think things should be adjusted
(2010.Jun.09 07:23 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]I like the way the exp system is designed, you should get more exp for tougher battles. It's the only fair way I can see doing it. I take off my armor to get better exp at times. I just think there should be something in place so that a level 50 w/ stats of a level 30 can't farm low level inactives and get inflated exp. It's an exploit, it should be fixed. I'm not say you should get bad exp off players like ghostrider, I just think the 275-300 exp range is a little more fair. I know you worked your arse off to get where you are, I just think things should be adjusted
It is an exploit, but you can't blame the dude for using it. Zen's been aware of it for years now - the complaints about the XP system aren't new. If she hasn't changed it by now, Onward's just playing the game Zen chooses to sell.
Wait, I take that back. Not an exploit - just a common misconception that stats mean everything.
Rephrase, donating means everything. I am not the strongest SOB but it is very tough to keep me in the hospital while flexing game muscles. So what do I care if I can be beaten by some loudmouth real life cry baby.
(2010.Jun.09 07:46 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]It is an exploit, but you can't blame the dude for using it. Zen's been aware of it for years now - the complaints about the XP system aren't new. If she hasn't changed it by now, Onward's just playing the game Zen chooses to sell.
Wait, I take that back. Not an exploit - just a common misconception that stats mean everything.
Yep. Snorkel and I have talked a lot on this and made me decide on leveling now. Nesta also helped convince me. If your goal is to be the strongest you can given your level of activity/willingness to donate, then you want to level today, train tomorrow. As Eff said, there's also an incentive to level while you are within the max exp threshold of a lot of players that you can still beat without much of the random factor coming into play (I think I added a few things to what you said). Howl & RJ hinted to me this exp "misconception." ( I don't really feel I'm exploiting anything if the exploit is easily identified). Thing that sucks about being strong first is that, you probably didn't do it in the best way possible, but you did it better than anyone at the time. Kinda like what I've read and been told about Pullo and endurance.
Can't really blame Zen though if the strategy chosen was one different than how the game was set up. Blame the players who figured it out first and didn't tell anyone.
I don't think it's an exploit, and the reason I don't play that way is b/c it just doesn't suit me. To each his own, I don't have a problem with people that power level, I have my srtategy, you have yours. What I have a problem with is the 528 exp you got off of the inactive. Even you guys have to admit there's something wrong with that. I don't understand why you get extra exp from being a higher level anyway, shouldn't the levels get progressively harder as you ascend?