(2010.May.28 07:25 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.28 07:17 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]I think that he is a little upset at zen and didnt wanna be too vocal cause connie led the whine brigade about the shotty with his gay little experiment.
I hear conrad is his dad so he has to do what he is told.
yup, you got it all figured out. congrats, now go fk a kangaroo
im just going off what he told me mang.
I hope he'll come back, but I do understand his reasons.
Most people on here have complained about something at least once they tought was unfair. Items, contest, prizes, situations, game mechanics, rule interpretation, multis, admin actions, personal attacks, hosps, and so on.
We don't always agree, but everyone got at least that one time where he tought he was absolutely right whining, complaining, arguing and/or fighting about it.
It is AL. It is sad, as most long timers become completely addicted AND passionate about this game, and see so much potential and improvement possibilities. But you got to hang in there and keep working, until the next breakthrough.
Bird, I agree 100% with you. Quitting won't resolve anything. It will just let Zen at peace, and make the AL society miss another dead well known citizen. Stay and keep complaining. It is our only weapon in here, to try and make this world a little better.
You are the strongest axe in AL.
the point is, when zen gets called out she hides. it has nothing to do with the change, it's the way she handled the issue. She screwed up, and really hasn't lived up to it. I understand she's human, so does sb, but she is catering to a select few players and won't admit she's human and may have made a bad choice. whether he comes back doesn't really matter, this has tarnished the game and encouraged btching and belly aching. The xpats can rejoice in the situation, as they have been doing in this thread, but I think even most of them know this is some sht. Zen is suppose to be god in this world, and god doesn't give into a mortal b/c they complain. Look at the book of job, when god says"fck you, I'm gonna destroy all your sht to prove a point!" The game loses value when the owner gets bullied into changing an item. You made it the way you made it for a reason, stick with it next time
(2010.May.28 09:15 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]the point is, when zen gets called out she hides.
So true.
But she also un-feds jailed players now.
(2010.May.28 09:16 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Yawn.
hey, if there's something more interesting going on, by all means start another thread. I think I make a valid point
I don't think that there are any people who are genuinly rejoicing SB quiting I mean it's not like he is biff or anything. Just one less person in this game with a sense of humour, which is a shame.
What Preach said + you guys suck.
Dingus, you're happy as can be with your new shotty. You don't get to insult the dude who stood up for his beliefs, you'd be the first one yield a pitchfork if Zen's lapse of judgment didn't favor you.
Bird, there are two ways of going about an unjust law : dissidence and sedition. Dissidence is the refusal to comply - look at them now. Sedition is conduct or language inciting rebellion.
![[Image: areyou.jpg]](http://www.backyardskeptics.com/areyou.jpg)
(2010.May.28 09:19 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]hey, if there's something more interesting going on, by all means start another thread. I think I make a valid point
Can't you just quit and SB stay? He's clearly the better brother.