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Full Version: Thats pretty young to be doing that sorta stuff
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36701 -36th- hirez12000 6 88 Recovering from a recent surgery.

Isnt that a little young to be borging up?

Sad thing is he probably build that stat before he would get out of the hospital.
(2010.May.18 08:33 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]36701 -36th- hirez12000 6 88 Recovering from a recent surgery.

Isnt that a little young to be borging up?

Like I always say, borg out with your cock out! Why do you think many top players are borgs? They have the advantage. Another borg or 2 and I will be a one. I like to stay online and mail dingus while Im in the hosp.
to each his own. I haven't borged much, but if you can afford to load up on orange syms and numbus bars then it won't kill you. It just gets expensive


[Image: family_guy_-522.jpg]
He can put picture.....runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

[Image: run.gif]


[Image: funny-picture-cat-picture-ehpien-ca.jpg]
[Image: 1249287959_lion_hunters.gif]
Epic Fail...^^^^^
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