To Tommi, Poptart, and AsgardThor on your new houses for the week! How do they look?
Begrudgingly awarded Behemoth another beer drinking victory as if anyone doubted he'd win. The results can be seen in the pantheon.
Congrats Behemoth
houses go to top BAC, streak, total beers and times hosped i think. makes most sense.
Tommi wins again??he drank fuck all this time!!That lucky S.O.B!!
Top Beer Drinkers for Cinco de Mayo 2010 Contest (Ordered by Blood Alcohol Content Max)
1 VS Ghaleon 0.655 18 142 beers drank!!
Top Eggnog Drinkers for December 14th, 2008 Eggnog-athon (Ordered by Blood Alcohol Content)
7 VS Ghaleon 0.714 14 1,687 beers drank!!
16 LCBO Budweiser 0.656 14 1,555 Beers drank!!
(2010.May.09 10:01 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]houses go to top BAC, streak, total beers and times hosped i think. makes most sense.
+1, not that i care. I don't even try on these types of contests. Pretty sure the results are loosely predetermined
Give Conrad a $5 gift certificate at Applebee's!
(2010.May.09 12:20 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.09 10:01 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]houses go to top BAC, streak, total beers and times hosped i think. makes most sense.
+1, not that i care. I don't even try on these types of contests. Pretty sure the results are loosely predetermined
Pretty sure they are rigged too. To be fair, top 4 should win a prize!
Top 4 do win prizes, if I remember correctly.
(2010.May.10 09:55 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Top 4 do win prizes, if I remember correctly.
Dont get Cober's hopes up!