I agree with Bird and Dingus on this one! Holy drek what am I saying. Anyway, it is about percentages. I tried to explain this to G2 on Friday and all he could respond with was single syllable words. Here are the percentages as of Friday. The total minutes were provided to me by G2 he got them from Zen.
First these numbers are impressive! Ok so based on these numbers you gave and me being a geek, this is how I see it!
SV's = 86,356 / 180,000 * 100 = 47.9% [total minutes available over the 5 days! ( 60 min * 24 hrs * 5 days * 25 members = 180,000 total minutes that we could have been hosp'd]
VS's = 62,254 / 158,400 * 100 = 39.3%
You = 29,091 / 50,400 * 100 = 57.7%
So as of Friday they were getting smoked!
(2010.May.11 10:23 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.11 10:15 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]Lets hear what you have to say spacebird, and can we have power points?
i think the first thing you all need to do is remove our Belt from your avatars.
nice sig, jerkoff.
(2010.May.11 11:25 AM)Howse91 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with Bird and Dingus on this one! Holy drek what am I saying. Anyway, it is about percentages. I tried to explain this to G2 on Friday and all he could respond with was single syllable words. Here are the percentages as of Friday. The total minutes were provided to me by G2 he got them from Zen.
First these numbers are impressive! Ok so based on these numbers you gave and me being a geek, this is how I see it!
SV's = 86,356 / 180,000 * 100 = 47.9% [total minutes available over the 5 days! ( 60 min * 24 hrs * 5 days * 25 members = 180,000 total minutes that we could have been hosp'd]
VS's = 62,254 / 158,400 * 100 = 39.3%
You = 29,091 / 50,400 * 100 = 57.7%
So as of Friday they were getting smoked!
exactly. if there is a war going on and one side has 5 people but the other side has 30, the side with 5 people need to kill 6 times the amount to be considered winning.
h4h is practically being embarrassed.
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if it were based on percentages then as of today you would be smoked
percentages is stupid- we kept 40 members from playing for 5 full days & since you threw in percentages we've kept all your SV guys on lockdown
they are killing themselves kamikaze style
(2010.May.11 11:42 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]percentages is stupid- we kept 40 members from playing for 5 full days
Huh? Who're these 40 members?
(2010.May.11 11:44 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.11 11:42 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]percentages is stupid- we kept 40 members from playing for 5 full days
Huh? Who're these 40 members?
the first 5 days most of SV & VS
been playing everyday you have not kept anyone one lockdown for five days maybe a few hours here and there but not straight
(2010.May.11 11:45 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.11 11:44 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.11 11:42 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]percentages is stupid- we kept 40 members from playing for 5 full days
Huh? Who're these 40 members?
the first 5 days most of SV & VS
Names? List of 'em? Am I on that list?
Who did you keep from playing? you inconvenienced the game play of 30+ players.