not only can they not handle h4h, but they take on we deliver and ask dm to get involved. lol
Wrong order and wrong in general. Keep trying, though. Failures come in packs before it is finally gotten right.
(2010.May.05 09:16 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong order and wrong in general. Keep trying, though. Failures come in packs before it is finally gotten right.
and i thought i said some stupid shit............ you have me covered.
Did you mean: truly
Stupid crap? Ignorant boobs and retards call enlightenment stupidity because they can't grasp what is being told to them.
Again, keep trying. Like Thomas Edison, you'll get it one day.
just watch the simpsons more....homer actually works harder than 80% of al
(2010.May.05 09:21 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]just watch the simpsons more....homer actually works harder than 80% of al
lol, probably true... works harder then me. i just take what i can from the government. hey if you are willing to do the time and pay the taxes, the least i can do is stay at home and enjoy the sun.

So why does SV need DM to help? And shouldn't they have to put in time in VS before jumping on the bandwagon?
yeah i believe dm is mostly made of ex vills and unlike h4h we didnt screw over people so they are still very close friends and from what i know they werent asked just had to wait for a majority vote
(2010.May.05 09:19 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]lmfaofaofao
Did you mean: truly
yeah, lol thanks for that...... flu and stupidity is not a good combination......