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(2010.May.06 09:55 AM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]Please forum ban him.
Why is it when I ban a group for being multi's, I only get one email asking why? You'd assume everyone who was fedded would email me wanted their access back.
(2010.May.06 12:50 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Why is it when I ban a group for being multi's, I only get one email asking why? You'd assume everyone who was fedded would email me wanted their access back.

hahahaha...good one zen. hell i would change my accent and mail you multi times Wink
(2010.May.06 12:57 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]hahahaha...good one zen. hell i would change my accent and mail you multi times Wink

Your accent?
Col Forbins accent
No its Axscent
(2010.May.06 01:06 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]Col Forbins accent

You rang?
hahahaha...forgot about that for a sec

BBFCFM coming soon
(2010.May.06 12:50 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Why is it when I ban a group for being multi's, I only get one email asking why? You'd assume everyone who was fedded would email me wanted their access back.

tractors are soo dumb!!! (love mater)......
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