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i hope someday zenith would give discounted prices when buying items by the dozens! for example, when u buy 20 stimpacks u only pay 80% of their original price.. or when u buy 10 AK's u get 10% discount! that way there could blackmarkets and people cud start a business ARMS DEALER STYLE... 8)
Too much of a benefit to the rich.


oh yeah.. monopoly huh?


too easy to make money. could buy in bulk at say, 20% off, then resell 10% cheaper than regular price on item market to people who can't afford the bulk purchases. would break the economy.


Just how many AK's do you think you can sell though? And how many stim packs do you NEED to sell at a $50 profit (woohoo) before you start to make something decent? Selling 100 would be a feat, and that'd only net you an extra $5k- I make that in an hour or two.

I think it sounds like a fun idea indeed, and I actually think it'd benefit new players more. If they scrape together the funds to buy 10 stim packs at $4000 instead of $5000, and sell them at $450 each, that's $500 profit- which benefits them. High levelled players would need to buy and sell thousands- unlikely to happen.


the issue isn't the low potential gains of items like stims or bioplexes, its the fact that there is no supply limit and no ingame energy/ap expenditure. its basically free money to anyone with the time (and we all have it with 30 min between refreshes) and money to do it.
You're right!


Consider it not from a mathematical perspective, but from a realistic and economic perspective. Yes, there's no supply limit. But there IS a demand limit, quite a serious one. No one needs more than one AK. No one needs more than one gun at one time- period.

The only things you really COULD make profit on are re-usable ones like stims and proteins. And they're so cheap, you'd need to put a hell of a lot into buying them up cheap and then selling them- it's a big risk. You're essentially pouring hundreds of thousands on a gamble- and even if it pays off, you're only getting a 10% cut on that. Say you put 500k into stims, and put them on the market. If they all sold (true, they would eventually, but it'd take weeks if not months) you'd make 50k profit. Not a fantastic sum for that outlay, me personally- I'd buy credits and put them into endurance, and make a profit on my training. But if people want to do that- it benefits everyone really, they get stims for cheaper,and those selling them make a moderate profit.


I agree, the profit margin is moderate at best. most of us can turn 50k in a day off crimes. I'd have to do some number crunching (damn this economic course!) to get data on the possible long term effects of a system like this.

It wouldn't be as detrimental to the economy as I probably first thought. May even serve to lube the wheels of the war machine. =]
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